Thursday, May 10, 2007

Past Tense Look-a-like

I was reading a friend’s blog when I had one of those self-actualization or realizations. Nothing major or life changing mind you, I just realized that there’s a striking visual similarity between myself and Curly from the 3 Stooges. Or, at least there used to be a whole lot more of one a few years ago when there was a whole lot more of me.

Exhibit A:

I don’t recall meeting those 2 fine gentlemen at Avant’s wedding. Then again, there’s a lot I don’t recall from Avant’s wedding.

Exhibit 2:

I finally get to see the “Bartender Cam” that everyone else gets to see on SBDA!

Damn. That sucks that I missed out on so many easy Halloween ideas. I spent all that time thinking of stuff to go as (Dr. Henry McCoy, a cheerleader, hammered), when all I had to do was get a little dressed up and have someone smack me on the head or poke me in the eyes and give ‘em a “Nyuk nyuk!”. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Still. That’s pretty creepy right there. But how come I never look like anyone cool? Oh wait, I already did that one.


Big, Dumb American: the bobblehead!


The Icon said...


D said...

Creepy, right?

D said...

And yet the proof is undeniable.