Bout fucking time and I hope it sticks this time.
What if you had no control over your life? What if it wasn't about destiny, fate, or even divine intervention? What if every whimsical, tragic and random event to happen to you was just... someone else's entertainment? Well, that’d be my life. Welcome, to “Screw Big, Dumb American!”
The show is really good. It's the West Wing as a TV show within a TV show. Problem is, the show is high brow and the audience is lowbrow, plus networks and advertisers have no patience.
I hope the show sticks. But I really hated the weak gimmick of Bradley Whitford and Amanda Peet. How come on TV every pregnant woman is pursued by a dude who is not the baby's father? Lost is just one more example.
This NEVER happens in real life.
Derek, you've been drunk a lot. Have you ever said the words, man that chick is hot...and pregnant. If Mrs. Poop reads this I am dead.
Um, since I have been known to drink a little every now and then, let me go on record with my official response to most questions "Not to the best of my recollection." You know, cause I rarely remember anything anyways.
But I wouldn't put it past me.
Don't get too attached.. The writing may be good, but it's too inaccessible and way too expensive. It's a goner.
A Big, Dumb American can dream can't he?
And yet again, I blame this on reality TV.
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