Monday, December 12, 2005

Because you never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression...

Well, unless you're meeting me for the first time while I'm drinking. Yeah, 'cause I'm probably not gonna remember a whole lot of it, if anything at all really.

My lapses in memory have been pretty well documented on here over the past few months. Really that's 3/4 of the interesting stuff that I've put on here for y'all. Everything else is just kind of filler until I can do something "petarded" and put it up here for you.

Some might even tell me "I'm not gonna lie to you. You may have a problem." I mean, they might tell me again anyways. Others might tell me I should cut back because having my brain shut off and stop recording just isn't all that great for me. Which may be true. But it seems to be good for all of you. So far I haven't hurt anyone (or more importantly myself), gotten arrested, woken up next to a dead hooker, been excommunicated from the group or been charged for anything that would be considered as "treasonous." So far anyway.

Being unable to segue well into my story from this weekend, I'll just get right to it:

So I actually got to talk to The Princess Hiker on Friday night. And in order for me to actually get you the idea of what may have happened or how that conversation went, I need to relay the brief exchange I had with Scott the next day:

**After a little opening small talk**
Derek: "What in the Hell made you think it was a good idea to put a disaster like me on the phone with Alison last night?!?!"
Scott: "Hahahhahaha..... Well, it seemed like it was gonna be funny. And it was."
Derek: "Aw, shit. What happened?"
Scott: "Nothing. You were good."
Derek: "You sure?"
Scott: "Yeah. You're fine."
Derek: "K. Good."

And really, it's my opening line that really explains everything. I mean there's several things I should not be allowed to operate when I'm drinking: a firearm, an automobile, an email/blog account, and a phone. I used 2 of those Friday night. And thank God kept from using a 3rd.

So let me just go ahead and apologize to The Princess for anything that I may have said or done while on the phone. Well, except for anything that I said about Duke. I stand firm on whatever I said about them.

Somehow I get the feeling that this may be held over my head for a while. Man, I have a lot of stuff hanging up there...



The Icon said...

Listen, you need to watch your language. There are ladies present. This is the only time I'm going to say this.

Erin said...

Funny how you didn't mention the fact that you lost your keys!

D said...

Alison- decisions, decisions.

Erin- you hush!!!! I had conveniently forgotten about that part. Conveniently.