Saturday, December 24, 2005

I don't know how you would wrap this one...

Dear Santa,
I know this is kind of last minute and I've already published my Christmas List earlier, but that was in November for Christ's sake...sorry. I mean, I think that I deserve a do-over.

I finally know what I want for Christmas. And I think that it's something that maybe you can help with, but if not, at least I tried asking.

All I want for Christmas is my confidence back. I realized that I'm missing this again and it sucks. I'm not talking about my usual confidence and sarcastic semi-bravado that I still have; I mean the zen-like, "I can do and say whatever I want to and get away with it and I'm gonna draw you to me and there's nothing you can do about it because I'm that fucking charming" confidence that I had a few months ago.

I miss that. It was great. Everything just kind of rolled off my back and I took everything in stride and people really gravitated towards me.

And I want it back.

So, Santa; that's all I want for Christmas this year. And I want a lifetime supply of it too. You may as well go all out this year and I'll take care of the rest. Trust me.

I'll leave beer and snacks tonight.



Erin said...

Nachos and Beer, Derek. That is what you should leave.

My family is going to leave Oreos and Coca-Cola. Apparently Santa doesn't like milk.

And don't forget the carrots for Rudolph!

Merry Christmas!

The Icon said...

I think you are one charming dude. I find myself lost in your eyes on a regular basis and hypnotized by the sound of your voice.

But not in any kind of gay way.