Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You don't have what they call "the social skills." That's why you never have any friends, 'cept fo' yo' mama.

Wow. I don't know if I've ever actually met anyone who didn't have any apparent social skills. I mean socially inept. Especially when it comes to women. Not that I am a Don Juan or Valentino by any stretch of the imagination, but I am damned close compared to this guy. I actually haven't even met this guy really. You see, he's sitting in the computer lab outside my new, tiny office.

Let's start with the lab first. Most of the time it's pretty quiet out there, especially in the afternoon when there aren't many classes. Go figure. But in the mornings, some of the guys in the early classes will come in to wait until class starts and then wait in between classes. Ok, no problem. It's the conversations that these guys have that fascinate me. Not that they're bad or stupid or anything, quite the opposite actually. I like listening to them because they're funny and I can follow them most of the time.

And the guys themselves are fine. They're good, normal guys. Except 1. We'll call him Steve. Holy crap, Steve makes Rain Man look like George Clooney. It seems that every day the conversation devolves into Sex Ed for the benefit of poor Steve. Not just for fun or anything. It's been hard not to listen to these conversations because they are genuinely having to explain a lot of things to Steve. Just a minute ago I heard "Ok. Let's review. How do you put on the condom again?" Swear to God.

10 minutes ago they were trying to explain how a date is not supposed to be looked at as an investment. And how he shouldn't freak out about paying for the girl on the date because she's not supposed to pay for anything. A very small, bitter part of me wanted to agree with Steve though.

They even asked him "Steve, you went to high school, right?" He said yes, but that must have been the biggest school ever for him to have never picked anything up even from just watching everyone else.

Any-hoo. Just lost my train of thought due to a phone call. So to summarize, there are socially inept people out there, not unlike Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love. I just haven't figured out if they're a gem you should keep an eye out for (humor & curiosity reasons only) or just flat out avoid.



Erin said...

I don't expect a guy to pay on the first date. However, if he insists, I usually try to get the tip.

D said...

I usually pay for everything unless she really insists. There wasn't 1 thing in all of the things that we did that I let The Girl pay for.

D said...

"What are you doing?"
"I'm splittin' atoms. What's it look like I'm doing? I'm smoking."

D said...

I bet it's pretty damned amusing too.