Just watched the Spider-Man 3 teaser trailer and got goosebumps. Each of the 4 times I watched it. Here's a few images I snagged of bad-assedness that you too can witness here: Spider-Man 3 (click to enlarge)
Badass, man. Bad. Ass.
What if you had no control over your life? What if it wasn't about destiny, fate, or even divine intervention? What if every whimsical, tragic and random event to happen to you was just... someone else's entertainment? Well, that’d be my life. Welcome, to “Screw Big, Dumb American!”
I agree. Very cool.
I don't see what the big deal is. I thought the 1st 2 movies were lame.
Granted, the first was good but a tad cheesy at times; but the second was awesome. It was no "The Specials"; but you know, nothing else is.
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