Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vegas has me at 250:1 to actually finish

Lent is observed by the religious as a time to renew their faith by fasting and performing acts of penance during the observed and symbolic 40 days and nights that precede Easter and the resurrection of Christ.

Lent is also observed by jerkasses like me who’ve seen the Josh Hartnett movie 40 Days and 40 Nights way too many times, and every year toy with the idea of giving something up for a little over a month for no better reason than “just to see if I can.”

This year’s affront to the Catholic faith is such a doozy, that it deserves it’s own tagline in the vain of it’s founding inspiration:

“One man is about to do the unthinkable. No alcohol. Whatsoever. For... 40 Days and 40 Nights.”

That’s right, I’m thinking about going sober for the entirety of Lent.

*waiting for the laughter to subside*

Are you quite finished now? Good.

I know what you’re thinking: “Hahahaha…There’s absolutely no way you’ll pull this off. *snort* I mean, why didn’t you just go with chocolate or something a little less Odyssian like sex like in the movie? Heeheehee…”

To which I respond “I really don’t eat chocolate much anyways. And sex? Screw that! Booze is much easier for me to get. I’m not passing up sex! No way.”

But it’s not set in stone. I’ve still got until next Wednesday to make up my mind about if I really want to commit to the challenge. And even if I do take up the charge, it’s not like Jesus is gonna weep because I fell off the wagon again. Plus, if I want to, I can use my loopholes and observe the technicality that the 6 Sundays don’t count. Yeah that’s kinda cheating, but at the same time, perfectly within the rules.

But if you guys do start a pool on me like in the movie, let me know. I want in.



Kelley said...

I bet you can do it. I have faith in you, and I want to be there when Lent is over and you fall off the wagon again. That will be fun.

The Icon said...

I too have all the faith in the world that you can do this, but....

Word has even reached Atlanta of your legenday drinking prowess and David tells his friends that if you ever come up for a visit, then they had best bring their A game when it comes to drinking with you.

But by all means, please try to go 40 days and nights without a drink. "I'm not going to lie to you..."

D said...

You guys know what I just realized? That if I do this, I have to miss St. Patrick's Day. Now I really have some thinking to do....

adubya said...

I have the over/under at 4 days

D said...

what to do? WHAT TO DO?!!?

adubya said...

have a beer and think about it

D said...

I had several and forgot what I came up with...

adubya said...

atta boy...