Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Do you guys deliver?

God bless the Gateway Grizzlies. Those miraculous bastards have come up with what could be my Holy Grail of food: "Baseball's Best Burger".

Bacon cheeseburger? Good. Krispy Kreme doughnuts? Gooood. Bacon cheeseburger & Krispy Kreme doughnuts together? I would welcome the Grim Reaper with open arms, then kick him in the junk so I could run back and get another one.

$4.50 to shave off a month and a half of my life? No problem. I'm sure my liver will kick in too, just so it can share some of its misery. "Ha ha! Fuck you, heart! Now it's your turn to do all of the work around here, you pompous ass!!"

However, I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to make a 12 hour drive to Sauget, Illinois; so I guess I'll just have to try and persuade the Sand Gnats to start carrying this culinary masterpiece. Though if they do, and I can get my hands on one; well, that may just eclipse having my own sandwich named after me at Big Fella's Pizza, as my all-time greatest food achievement.



D said...

The double-decker taco at the Bell is my favorite thing on their menu. Huh, go figure.

And, no problemo. I'm here to help.

Erin said...

A hamburger bun made out of a donut? What the monkey? Sounds interesting. I'll leave you to try it out for the masses Derek.

adubya said...

Oh sweet heart attack...

adubya said...

Under 6 hours from my house. I'm pretty sure my doctor would not approve.