Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spiderman 3 better be worth it, Sony!

Damn it! The PS3 is going to be delayed again. And it looks like it's gonna be because of the damned Blu-ray drive. Oh there's a shocker. Freakin' Blu-ray is supposed to "revolutionize" the video market, supposedly more so than DVD when it replaced (supplanted or usurped really) VHS.

I don't really give a shit about the Blu-ray drive though. I'm concerned about the way that games look yes, but not really about how a Blu-ray "DVD" will look or play. Fine, it may be almost one in the same, but I don't think of it like that. If I want to watch a Blu-ray "DVD", I'll go buy a player for it later on and watch it on that.

In the meantime, I'll stick with the standard DVD and throw mini-tantrums every time Sony delays my ability to blow the heads off Nazis in the most visually pleasing way possible.


Spidey better be in this damned costume for more than 5 minutes...


adubya said...

Damn it, now not till November or December!?!?!? How much longer can I be expected to suffer with the PS2???
Don't make me go buy an xbox 360...

D said...

Ah, I remember renting & burning the hell out of PS1 games and playing those until Sony tried to put a stop to it.

adubya said...

I might have to add that word to slang for foreigners

D said...

Whoops. I meant "encompassingly".

It's a Mitch Hedberg routine.

adubya said...

That's still not a word... well, it would be a word if you took the "ly" off. Aw, who gives a fuck, forget I said anything.