Bought a new razor the other day. One of the new, fancy dancy, Gillette Fusions. It’s ok. I still kinda prefer my older M3 really. But, the Fusion has the best razor accessory/gadget ever on it: the single blade on the back for getting that tricky part up under your nose.

I have to say, using that thing was pretty much a "Fuck Yeah Moment" for me. Which is sad. But if they could just combine the M3’s smooth shave with the Fusion's Fuck Yeah-worthy single blade on back, that’d be the best razor ever.
Caught a double feature this Saturday, finally getting around to seeing 2 of the summer blockbusters: Superman Returns and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. I’ll not bore you with any reviews, because every other asshole on the Interweb already has written every review possible (not that I’m calling any of you assholes. You’re all insightful movie-goers whose reviews I value highly. <-- sarcasm). So I’ll just say that I liked them both. And they were both long. And I felt like a jackass for walking out of the theater after Superman, only to turn right around, purchase a ticket for Pirates, re-enter the theater, and see it. Turner said “I would’ve just walked down the hallway and into the other theater. No one was taking tickets.” … Shit.
Brody and I sat and watched my neighbor moving out Sunday. Not offering to help mind you, just watching. And barking. Seems most everyone in my row is bailing out due to graduation or other circumstances. I think it's 6 apartments in my immediate vicinity. One neighbor, whom I actually liked (doesn’t mean I know her name, but she had dogs), is moving out due to the redneck couple who moved in next to her. Don’t get me wrong, they’re extremely nice, just really loud and obnoxious. And heavy, let me say that again, heavy smokers. Ex-neighbor said that smoke was all she could smell when she was home, like it was just coming out of every possible opening. She's moving across the way into the new apartments, so maybe I’ll still get to see her around every now and then.
Watched a little bit of the movie “Bandits” with Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton. I’ve seen it before and it was ok, I just wanted to see my favorite part: when Billy bob wakes up out of a dream exclaiming “Beavers and ducks!” But I missed it. Damn.
This morning, I sat and watched the smoking lady (because “redneck lady” is a little harsh) try to get into her apartment for 5 minutes, just trying to unlock the door over and over. I asked if she needed help and went over to assist. I tried the bottom lock with the key and it was unlocked. I tried the deadbolt with said key, and viola, it opened. So, a good five minutes spent without trying the deadbolt. Nice.
Monkey-dogs are the new pirates. Let me just go ahead and state that for the record. And let me also state that Turner and I created monkey-dogs. So if you hear someone talking about monkey-dogs, make sure they give credit where credit's due.
In case you're curious, Turner and I were watching "The Beast of Bray Road" (I'm a sucker for werewolf movies), when the doofus scientists claimed that the bite marks were "possibly primate in origin, but definitely from the canine family." What? What the fuck does that even mean? I guess those people were killed by... wait for it... monkey-dogs!
Monkey-dogs are totally Airwolf.
Got really drunk Friday night. Pretty drunk Saturday night too. I know, I'm as surprised as you are.
Chicken bowls and veggie, sushi rolls from Kyoto Express rule.
That is all.
I, too was drawn in by the seduction of the single under nose blade on the Fusion... I also had the M3 and saved it for my travel kit. Just wait till you have to buy more blades for the Fusion. Bring your credit card!
I kept the M3 for the kit too. And I only shave twice a week, so the blades last longer. Most of the time, I just by a new razor instead of the refills. It's cheaper.
So that's one. Good for you.
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