Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Don't judge me, Monkey.

Finding out that someone I work with likes a certain movie can really go either way. In that, I mean they can gain or lose cool points in a split second. And depending on the movie, they can be elevated to “giving a shit as to what they say now” level or dropped down to the “dead to me” category. Most land in the latter.

Take for example, finding out that my boss’ boss loves the movie Grandma’s Boy. So much so, that she bought it on DVD when it came out after seeing it in theatres. With her 13 year-old son to boot, whom I’m sure was mortified to be sitting next to his mom for the bathroom scene with the Lara Croft figure. Especially when she asked him if she needed to explain it. Probably kinda like watching porn with your mom and dad. …… Not that I would know.

Let’s just say that she garnered herself a few more cool points, but I’ve really had to keep myself from spouting off my favorite line, just because I don’t know if I’ll get in trouble for saying it in a workplace environment. But I won’t get in trouble here, so I’ll say it: “Does this place have a bathroom, or do I have to shit in a plant?”

In closing, if you take away nothing from this “The More You Know” than the old proverb “Don’t judge a book by its blah blah blah”, well then you’re an idiot. I’m also trying to plug a movie here. So if you like comedies like Super Troopers and you haven’t seen Grandma’s Boy, do yourself a favor and run out to get it. Trust me. And my boss. And his.


One girl got elevated to the “giving a shit” level and had the pleasure of receiving the “get the fuck outta here!” response when I learned that she loved Bubble Boy. It took her a second to realize that was actually a compliment. I really need to work on my compliments.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I lost all respect for Nick Collison when I found out he owned "The Thin Red Line" on DVD.