Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oh yeah? Well, um… I’ve got a blog!

There’s nothing like running into someone you know and haven’t seen in a while, who now has a much cooler job/life than you. Makes you feel all numb inside. Wait, that could be the booze you use to drown out the pangs of hate and jealousy. Either way, you don’t come away feeling all rainbows and puppy dogs.

Yesterday I ran into the guy that lived next door to me for a few years until he graduated and moved away to California. So I was a little surprised to see him when he walked around the back corner of the apartment when I was letting the dog out.

As we started to shoot the shit, I asked him how California was treating him and what he was up to. I figured that since he was an art major, and a pretty good one too, that he’d be painting or something while doing something else to earn money. No, no starving artist lifestyle or anything. He’s acting.

I never would have seen that coming from him, but apparently it’s treating him well: he lives in North Hollywood, has been working steady, and got his SAG card after two months of working. It takes most people years to get a SAG card, if they ever get one at all. That’s pretty lucky. How lucky? Think of it like this: he arrived in Hollywood on a Monday afternoon, and was on the set of CSI: Miami Tuesday morning. Again, that’s pretty damned lucky.

He’s mostly doing background work right now on TV and in a few movies, but he’s already had a few speaking roles and got his SAG card after his biggest speaking role, which is in the upcoming movie “Prestige” with Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale and Scarlet Johansson. And he just finished shooting his small scenes in “Dukes of Hazzard 2”.

Meanwhile, I got a job doing the same thing I was doing before, only at a different place. Wow.

So after talking to him for a while, I wished him continued good luck (I’m jealous, not a complete asshole) and went inside. It wasn’t until later in the evening that I thought “Aw, crap. I don’t even remember his name. It’s like Matt Somethingoranother. At least I think it’s Matt. Shit. This is gonna make it harder to look him up on IMDB.”

So now I’m really hoping that I get that other job, if only to boost my self esteem and ego just a tad, after the brutal blow it just took. Either that, or find some other way to even up the score. Like doing porn or being on Saturday Night Live. Wait, nix the SNL; porn is more respectable and will earn me a SAG card quicker.



adubya said...

wooka chucku wao wao.....

Just search imdb for Matt... I'm sure he'll show up... haha.

D said...

I did search for "Matt" in there. It brought up just a few.

adubya said...

But no luck?

D said...

Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested