Whew! Been a while, huh? Yeah, I've been busy actually. What with a ton o' work, the gym, more work after work, and the general trying to learn Caprica's OS. Let me see if I can catch you up on a few things since last Friday...
Accident Prone
Last Friday on the way home from the gym to the bar, I got hit again in the ol' rear. No damage at all, but irritating none the less. Some douchebag stopped right in the middle of a right turn on a green light to try and talk to some ho-bags (is that more or less PC than the regular "ho"?) in a car. So I hit the brakes, as did the hottie behind me. Trouble is, that she slid into me. She banged up her fron panel, but I had no damage luckily. We exchanged mutual obscenities in the direction of the douche, and then were on our ways.
Black and Blue and White... and Red
Ah, the first taste of GSU football was experienced by over 5,000 of the Eagle Nation on Saturday at the annual Blue-White Game. Plenty of friends, football, and beer. PLENTY o' beer. Got hammered, went to Moe's, went home, took a nap, got hammered again at home 'cause I was too tired to go out. Woke up Sunday with the usual post-tailgating bruises and sunburns. The one on my head is always the worst.
Same ol', same ol'.
Kids, Sort-of Indians, Rednecks, and hotdogs.
Had to work an event in Screven Co. that sucked ass and was a complete waste of my time. Too many slightly-older-than-baby kids who had no idea what a college is, a guy who looked like a retarded Daniel Boone who played the drums while talking to the kids about Indians, and a redneck Civil War re-enactor (wanna guess which side he was?) that shot off a musket about 20 times today all played a part in this colossal pain in my ass today. But I did get a couple of hotdogs out of it.
To Not Boldly Go Where I've Gone Before...
Yeah, so apparently while typing this I've discovered that I can't bold anything that I'm typing here in my posts. In fact, all I can do is post images and spell check. Neat-o.
And that ought to about do it. Was it good for you?