I had a whole post idea ready to go. It was gonna have pictures of Adam Morrison and J.J. Redick, complete with captions of "Gutsy, emotional warrior" and "Big, fucking crybaby" (bet you can't guess who was whom). I was even thinking of trying to come up with some good, snarky poetry to commemorate the occasion.
But then I went and visited Truth Abut Duke. They had it done already. Complete with poetry from a Maryland fan no less (There's just no beating a poem called "Chokeback Mountain").
You may be saying "But, Derek; you can still go ahead and do a post making fun of Duke, J.J., and Alison!" Well, yes I could. But really, why try and re-invent the wheel?
However, there was one thing Truth didn't have... a picture of Adam Morrison:

Gutsy, emotional warrior. Not a big, fucking crybaby.
I know, I know. The Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Wow. Someone's catty. You want a saucer of milk there, kitten?
Maybe some cheese to go with your whine?
Yeah, I'm not even going to attempt to get involved in this...
Wait, here's the funniest part. I clicked on the link and got this:
This domain name has been suspended for exceeding the monthly bandwidth quota. The site will be automatically turned on again on the first day of next month.
Well what can I say? Everyone wants to, and needs to, know the truth about Dook: that they suck so hard that loading your page with images of JJ, references to Dook and what not will cause a shut down.
I like to think that maybe I helped wake a few people up from "The Duke Matrix".
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