Friday, August 18, 2006

In the category of “Kick Assery”, the Oscar goes to…

Snakes on a Plane!!!

Hollywood has restored a bit of my faith in the silver screen now. After a couple of “Meh”-worthy movies like Superman Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, and even Clerks 2; it was nice to leave the theatre saying “That was actually a pretty damned good movie.” Wait, I’m sorry. I should rephrase that in honor of the movie: “That was actually a pretty damned good motherfucking movie.”

You see this?

This is the first ticket to Snakes on a Plane sold in Statesboro. And it’ll probably never be worth anything.

Tommy and I caught the 10:00 show last night along with about maybe 20 other people. Sorry, 20 other geeks. Wait, no, 19 other geeks and 1 drunk redneck. Yeah, that’s about right. And they were pretty rowdy.

Normally, I would have told the geek squad to “shut it” once the movie started and they interjected their tired and unimpressive commentary during the course of the movie. But I figured “Hey. This is Snakes on a Plane. It’s their birthright to play MST 3000 tonight.” And I also figured that if I go see it again, I’ll probably be all kinds of hammered and will get the chance to be one of those assholes. Again.

So yes, I did get to go see it before opening night. And yes, despite the cheese and camp, it was a good, solid movie. Oh, and yes, all 20-somethnig of us did cheer when Sam said the best action movie line since “Get to the chopper!!”

“That’s it! I’ve had it with these motherfucking snakes, on this motherfucking plane!”



adubya said...

Lovin' it...

I'm guessing there were no females at this showing...

gsufan said...

There were some........but they were the type that hung out at the comic book store all day and still lived with their parents

adubya said...

Is there anything worse than comic book store girls?

adubya said...

haha, ok ok... hairy armpit girls wins...