Friday, August 11, 2006

U-Haul sucks

Someone’s moving in across the row from me today. They rented this Budget van to do it:

Whereas U-Haul has their useless, little pieces of Americana on the side; Budget has their awesome, should-be-common-sense Moving Tips:

“Dolly, good. Hernia, bad.”
“Wear plenty of deodorant on day of move.”
“Don’t pack dog and cat in same box.”
“Make lots of friends before you move.”

I don’t see how a van with a painting of “The World’s Largest Dirt Farm” in Oklahoma can compete with “Dolly good. Hernia bad.” I just don't.

And that’s why U-Haul sucks.


1 comment:

gsufan said...

I love this time of the year when we have anew crop of kids coming to school for the first time away from their mommies and daddies