Friday, September 15, 2006

If at first you don’t succeed…

Get drunk and try again.

So, after last weekend’s overwhelming amount of suckitude; we’re gonna attempt another day-long tailgate and hope that the Eagles can get a freakin’ win. But as fun as the tailgating was last weekend (minus not getting to see some good friends), I’m still working on getting my act together and ironing out all the kinks in my tailgating process:

-located misplaced tailgating supplies from last weekend? Check. (Nothing in my hands, but I think I know where all that crap is)
-beer to last 5-7 hours of drinking before the game and however many hours afterward? Check (well, in a few hours anyways)
-supplies for the low-country boil? Negative (haven’t heard from Tommy yet)
-found back pack to keep all my tailgating crap from getting lost again? Check
-written note reminding myself not to streak the field again when I get really hammered? Check

So I’m still working on a few things. But I expected to be, as I won’t be a well-oiled tailgating machine until about the 3rd or 4th home game. So until then, it’s all drunken trial and error.

A note to all the faithful Screw Big, Dumb American viewers: look out for a small cameo from Japan’s #1 favorite rock musical guitar god: The Transplant. He’ll be accompanied by the future Mrs. Transplant, and hopefully they’ll help bring a little more positive mojo to the game. Because we sure as hell need all that we can get.

Go Eagles!


Kelley said...

Go Eagles!!! Can't be as bad as last weekend. Or can it?

adubya said...

"low-country boil"?
What the hell is that?

D said...

You've never had low country boil?

Yes, I still can't hyperlink in the comments section. deal with it. Or just Google it.

And kick ass! Chewy wrote back.

adubya said...

ummmm, yuk?

D said...
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D said...

I usually just stick to the potato, sausage and corn. It's usually really good if cooked right.