Thursday, September 21, 2006

Penciling in the rotation (part 3)

It’s a freakin’ trilogy! Then what would tomorrow make it? A quadrology? An epic? How about “The Never Ending Story”? No, wait, that’s taken. Whatever, on to the show!

Wednesday @ 8:00 is usually reserved for me reading the most important comics that I picked up that week (Hey look, if you’re bored with my TV talk, I could always switch to comics. Yeah, that’s what I thought.). But last night I gave the new series Jericho a shot.

Life in a small Kansas town after a suspected nuclear strike on a major city intrigued me. I got a small creep-factor thing while watching when they saw that Denver was the city that was hit. Then an even bigger one when they learned Atlanta was also. I started wondering about fallout, wind speed and direction, evacuation, etc… TV time just about turned into Miller Time real quick. A few calming and centered breaths later, and I was back to thinking “Billy Loomis” and “Major Dad” whenever I saw Skeet Ulrich and Gerald McRaney onscreen.

With the need to find out where else was hit, a mysterious new resident in town showing up, and at least one escaped convict on the loose; Jericho may have enough going for it to get me to postpone “comic book readin’ time” a little bit Wednesday nights.

Forewarning for tomorrow: a new Grey’s Anatomy is tonight. I probably won’t do anything major for a Part 4 tomorrow, just the statement of already having 2 slots filled. Heh heh… “2 slots filled”. I am such a child.


A note from “comic book readin’ time”:
Civil War #4 was absolutely “Holy Shit!”
And from 52 #19: “Skeets, you fucking bastard!”
That is all.

1 comment:

The Icon said...

Civil War #4 left me with a holy shit feeling, but then, as time went by, I was left with a feeling that the comic kind of sucked.

Here's why:

1) The main characters are acting more in line with their Ultimate counterparts than the MU versions we've seen over the last 40 years. Are you telling me that Cap and Iron Man wouldn't have enough respect for each other to pull back and say "dude, let's talk for a second."

2) As smart as we're told and know Tony, Reed and Hank Pym are, they sure are about to unleash the biggest fuck-up ever. Are you going to tell me, knowing what these guys know, that they would really think nothing bad could happen by trying to employ supervillains, and the crazy ones at that? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

3) When did Tony turn into a complete douche bag? I mean, we've known for a while that he could have douche-like tendencies, but fuck, cloning an old, close personal friend to use as a fucking weapon? That is waaaay out of character. It's beasically making the statement that the last 15 years (Marvel time) have meant nothing and that every relationship to this point is just a means to an end for Tony.

4) While Reed is acting like is old school self (see the Lee/Kirby issues of FF), I still think he's acting way too fascist. In fact, I know he is. Hell, this is the guy who just two years ago told the U.S. army to fuck off while he ran Latveria himself. He did it not in an attempt to perform some social experiment, but because, end of the day, he loves people. Again, not the type to clone a friend for use as a weapon against his own friends.

5) Goliath... what, Pym Particles don't work on dead people? No?

Anyway, I trust Mark Millar and I'm not writing the series off, but I do think long term damage is possibly being done to these characters.

Fingers crossed...