Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It’s a set up!

A couple of the girls I work with are trying to set me up with someone they know that used to work here and still goes here. (I’m still trying to figure out if dating a student is merely “frowned upon” or not)

I’m really 50/50 on the whole “setting D up” thing. On one hand, it’s kinda fun to see what kind of girl people will try and set me up with. And it’s pretty much an easy “in” because I really don’t have to do much work. But on the other hand, most of the time people are gonna try and set me up with someone who’s “not my type” (or someone I would never, ever approach myself). Or I start to feel weird about it because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or anything by either turning down the offer or saying that I’m not interested.

So, basically I’m damned if I do; damned if I don’t. Again.

And yes, I have seen this girl that they’re trying to play matchmaker with. She’s not my type. Well, in the face.

But then again, I’m so ass backwards when it comes to dating that maybe I should invest a little more in the “setting up D” strategy. I mean, I’m the guy who occasionally socially devolves and thinks it’s a great idea to try and bust out the “Do you like me? Check ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. (you can only check yes or no, and you can’t draw a ‘Maybe’)” note with girls.

Do girls still find that cute? Or just retarded? I guess I should look into that.



eddie said...


You say she's not your type "in the face."

Keep in mind what Ron White says: You can get nose jobs, botox injections, jowl tucks, and any manner of plastic surgery to correct those things these days.

But you can't fix stupid.

That's the thing to look out for.

Trust me. Better yet, trust Ron White.

D said...

True enough, but that costs a good deal of money. I'd rather start out with something pretty and avoid that whole mess.

And funny enough, I just happen to have a ticket to see Ron White this Friday. Only trouble is, I thought I was gonna go with some people, but they're staying over down there and I didn't plan to. Don't know if I wanna drive down and back by myself...