Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Penciling in the rotation (part 1)

I thought of titling this post “The return of good TV” because after watching 3 awesome shows last night, I actually thought out loud “That’s a good fucking night of TV watching, right there.” And indeed it was. 3 solid, non-reality, scripted television shows that renewed my faith in broadcast TV; and fanned the flames of my desire to see more scripted shows and far less reality garbage. Except for Who Wants to be a Superhero? That shit rules.

I saw 2 season premieres last night. Well, one season premiere and one series premiere anyways. A returning and kick-ass How I Met You Mother cemented its Monday @ 8:30 spot in the rotation, while the new Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip absolutely blew me away and grabbed the Monday @ 10:00 time slot. The third show in the middle was one of my little summer gems, Vanished. And that would lock up the Monday @ 9:00 position, if it weren’t for Heroes starting in the next couple weeks at that same time. And as much as I really like Vanished, how can it stand up to a show so obviously geared towards geeks like me? Damn, I really need to try and get TiVo. Or a life. **The Princess says I should just start dating a girl with TiVo. That would pretty much take care of both of 'em. Any takers?**

Like I said, Mother was kick-ass as usual. Continuing on from last season with the same wit, humor and emotion as last season; it had me thinking that Mother was my version of “Friends”. And not just because they hang out at a bar instead of a coffee shop. But that does help. Then there was Barney. Barney is enough to make any show better: “Chico & The Man & Barney”, “Knight Rider & Barney”, “ER & Barney” or how about something girlie like “Oprah & Barney”? See? It’s limitless.

On to Studio 60. When I say that Studio 60 “blew me away”, I mean it. Aaron Sorkin has done it again. First was Sports Night, which was far too short-lived and is still one of my favorite shows. Then came The West Wing, which admittedly I never watched, but I imagine that people interested in politics and who followed that show from the beginning, felt about it the way I felt about Sports Night. And now how I feel about Studio 60.

Yes there was humor abound, and yes the pacing and exchanges were fast and furious; but it was the way you had to think to follow the exchanges and not just sit there and absorb it a la something like Friends that really got me into it. Not to mention the backstage or “behind-the-scenes” style of the show, which immediately reminded me of working in broadcasting. It actually made me miss it again for the first time in a long while. Plus Matthew Perry’s character Matt made Chandler look like Joey. As long as he can keep this up, the show has a strong chance; especially since he is arguably the show’s biggest star.

And back to Vanished again. As I said, it’s one of my summer gems (along with Eureka and Blade: The Series) and it’s had me hooked since it started. It’s a good, little “whodunit” that takes place in Atlanta, but is curiously devoid of any southern people. I guess it really takes place in Gwinnett or something. So far there’ve been more twists, turns and second guesses than a fat chick standing in between a Jenny Craig and a Ben & Jerry’s. I’m really hoping that Fox decides to move it to a more D-friendly time slot during the week. Or that they re-air episodes so I can catch them later. I’d really hate to drop this one.

So that’s the first 2 starters in the ol’ TV rotation, and the first to probably be heading to the Disabled List. Check back tomorrow for a possible second look into what’s gonna help me create the second greatest butt-groove my couch has ever seen. Not much is gonna beat “Free Movie Weekend”.



Kelley said...

First of all, I have TiVo, and if my husband is your sidekick, then I guess that could count.

Secondly, say what you want about Matthew Perry, but Bradley Whitford won an Emmy from West Wing and he was in Billy Madison. Take that, Perry.

(Little bits of trivia: Perry was on three episodes of West Wing, and was in those Whole "Blank" Yards movies with Amanda Peet. Felicity Huffman played herself in Studio 60, but was on Aaron's other show that you love, and Timothy Busfield was on West Wing, too. It is good to know Aaron Sorkin.)

adubya said...

I have 3 dvr's in my house... that means from September to April I do nothing but watch tv...

D said...

Looks like he just got another point added. And that means I get to hang out over there more, which is always fun.

And I did know most of that, just didn't feel like writing it all in there. I obviously wrote waay to friggin' much as it was.

Need a roommate (in addition to Cdubya)? Wait, she probably wouldn't go for that. How about somebody to clean and bounce in your pub/basement?

adubya said...

That's an awesome idea and if you read my latest post you'll find that the pub room just became an even better place to live.