Monday, January 23, 2006

Patrice O'Neal and Isaac Mizrahi

Busy, busy, busy. But I wanted to throw something up here real quick-like.

Was watching TV the other day (I know, a shocker) and stumbled on a show on VH1, called Web Junk 20. They count down the top 20 crap they find on the internet that week and have Patrice O'Neal make fun of it. Nothing all that great, a few funny clips and a lot of stuff I've already seen about 20 times.

But then they got to #5 and I about shat myself laughing.

The "Appalachian is Hot, Hot, Hot" video.

I kid you not.

I got to witness someone making fun of crApp State on national television. Oh, it was too good.


Isaac Mizrahi is my new hero. Plain and simple.

The man spent the whole time he was on the red carpet doing exactly what I'd have liked to do:
Asking chicks about their underwear.
Asking Eva Longoria about how she kept the front lawn.

I might have gone to jail for something like that, but it would have totally been worth it.


1 comment:

D said...

Have you never seen that before?