Friday, January 06, 2006

I resovle to never resolve anything ever again.

I had to come up with something else for the title since I already used "In brightest day, in blackest night..."

I didn't bother with making any resolutions for the new year. What's the point? I'm probably not gonna keep one for more than a few weeks at best. So why bother setting one at all?

Well...maybe I do have one. Actually I do. Thus the writing of this post. You wanna know what it is? Do ya? Do ya, huh huh? Aw, come on sure ya do.

And I tried to think of a really funny or witty way to relay it to you, but to no avail. The best I could come up with was by playing Charades or Pictionary. But try as I might, I just couldn't figure out how to convey those through blogging. That, and only like 1 person I know would be able to get it by playing Charades or Pictionary. So...


There. That's my simple (somewhat) New Year's resolution. To have more willpower.

Because that one thing can cover a broad spectrum of other things really: to run more, to eat less, to eat better, to stand up for myself more, to communicate better, to save money instead of spending it, to cuss less, to blog more, to blog better things, to play with the dog more, to call my mom more, to drink less (a little less anyways), to finally take clothes to Goodwill, to quit daydreaming of punching people in the face while standing right next to them, to be a better person over all...all of that can fall under having more willpower. And that's what I need.

So if you happen to hear me muttering the Green Lantern oath to myself, pay me no attention. Well,unless I'm sitting in the corner rocking back and forth or something, then pay me a little bit of attention.


Plus, that'd increase my chances of getting a kick-ass Green Lantern ring to work. *sigh* A geek can dream right?

1 comment:

The Icon said...

Well, Guy, let me know how this all works out.