Friday, February 17, 2006

1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100!

"100 Things About Me"
1. I don’t like the number “1”.
2. “2” is my favorite number.
3. I prefer evens to odds.
4. My middle initial is “R”.
5. I sometimes tell people my middle name is “Roberto”. It isn't, but it sounds funny.
6. My favorite color is blue.

7. I have an older sister.
8. And a niece. From my sister.
9. And a younger step brother.
10. I have a minor case of OCD. Well, I think it's minor.
11. I try to tell people it’s endearing…but it’s probably not
12. I don’t really have ADD (I think), but I do get bored & distracted very easily. The sign of a genius?
13. My mind wanders a lot, kind of like J.D. on Scrubs.
14. I work with people day in and day out, which is odd because:
15. I hate people. Well, ignorant people mostly.
16. I hate when people ask me what I want to do for a living.
17. Mostly because I can’t ever tell them I really want to be a superhero.
18. I like to drink.
19. Sometimes I think I drink too much.
20. Sometimes I think I don’t drink enough.
21. I used to have my own big beer mug at Dos Primos. It was kick ass.
22. I think some fucker stole it.
23. Miller Light’s my beer.
24. Jim Beam’s my bourbon.
25. My feet hurt.
26. I have to go to the bathroom.
27. I’m back from the bathroom.
28. It was #1.
29. I have 3 tattoos.
30. I like to play the “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” game.
31. I’ve had good success with it.
32. I want another one.
33. It would be the GSU eagle head logo on my right shoulder.
34. I dig the pain that you feel when getting one.
35. I went to Georgia Southern University. Go Eagles!
36. I majored in Broadcasting.
37. Go figure, my degree was in TV.
38. It took me 5 years to graduate.
39. I had 2 senior years. Super duper senior!
40. I dropped 1 class while here, but I had already passed it with an A.
41. It was because I didn’t want to be the TA for it. I only retook it for "insurance hours".
42. I’m not as stupid as I look. Well, depending on who you ask.
43. I graduated with a 3.6 GPA.
44. That bastard Harbour forgot to say “Cum Laude” when I walked across the stage & I almost turned around on stage in front of everyone and made him say it.
45. I'm self deprecating.

46. I have a dog.
47. He’s a white German Shepherd named Brody.
48. I talk to him constantly which may mean there's something seriously wrong with me.
49. I’m a geek. Well, a closet geek.
50. I like comic books.
51. No wait, I love comic books.
52. I’m becoming less of a Marvel fan.
53. And more of a DC fan.
54. I named my car after Grimlock, King of the Dinobots.
55. I bet I can beat Kelley in Buffy trivia.
56. I was born in Statesboro.
57. We moved to SC when I was 8.
58. I went to a small, private school.
59. It wasn’t my choice really.
60. I played football.
61. In the “pussy, white boy league” as Scott would have you believe.
62. He’d probably be right.
63. I played Iron Man style: offense, defense and special teams.
64. I only missed 2 plays my entire senior year.
65. It was because of a broken chinstrap.
66. Not the concussion that I later learned I had.
67. I reset my own nose in the bathroom of a Wendy’s after a game once.
68. I yelled “Fuck!” so loud they heard me outside.
69. I also played basketball.
70. Now I have bad knees.
71. If I could sing like anyone, it would be Chris Cornell.

72. I think I'm selfish.
73. I laugh when people fall.
74. If I’m feeling down, something bad happening to someone else cheers me up.
75. I prefer the college version of any sport to the pros, especially football and basketball.
76. I like buying things for myself.
77. But I feel bad when I do it.
78. If I had a million dollars, I probably wouldn’t do a damned thing.
79. And that kind of irritates me.
80. But I’d get over it, ‘cause I’d be rich, bitch!
81. I’m a hopeless romantic.
82. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve already met and missed “the one”.
83. I think I do have a “one that got away”.
84. I never tell people what my greatest fear is.
85. I talk in my sleep and I snore.
86. I hate UGA.
87. I think Duke sucks.
88. Sometimes I want to move far, far away and start completely over again, but I play it too safe.
89. And I’d miss Statesboro and my friends too much.
90. I'm pissed because I can't remove the spaces that are in between some of these numbers.
91. I’d rather stay in than go out.
92. I like to cook.
93. I like to clean (my place, no one else’s).
94. I hate folding laundry.
95. I don’t iron.
96. My favorite smells are a clean apartment, leaves burning in the winter, a new car, and new toys out of the package.
97. Sometimes I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything with my life.
98. I wonder what my destiny is.
99. My favorite grown up word is “cathartic”.
100. My favorite word period is “fuck”.

So that's 100 things you may have not known (or cared to know) about me. I feel kind of violated now.



D said...

Yeah this took forever. I can't do Top 10 lists either. So I kinda just did this as it came to me.
The comments thing would be funny. I'd check back and see over 100 comments and be like "Holy Shit!"
Then I'd look and see they were all from you and were all different ways of you professing your love for Pittsnogle. Ha!

Erin said...

21. I have my own mug at Dos Primos. It's decorated in puff paint. I love to drink Bud Light from my pretty mug. I refuse to make the switch to Miller.

Paul said...

fascinating stuff
sometimes I think I drink too much
sometimes I think I think too much
there are thousands of beers out there better than Miller Light (don't economize when it comes to beer)
had no idea you were a broadcast student, did you pursue a career in TV
Brody sounds like a good foil for Diesel
Pittsnogle rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul said...

my favorite grown up word is Doppelganger
my favorite word is poop and pretty much every other palindrome

Scott Garner said...

One: My money is on Kelley.

Two: If Alison has any tatoos, I'll eat a sock.

Three: Be proud of your PWBL football days.

D said...

Good beer has it proper moments. Going out to get hammered isn't usually one of them.
I worked at a CBS affiliate in Charlotte for my internship (during March Madness!) but couldn't see myself doing it for a career. Didn't want to be part time.
Brody is a good foil for any dog.
Or peson really.

I am proud of the PWBL days. I got to play and led the state of SC in tackles at one point in the season. Nothing spectacular, but good memories.

You'd be surprised at it's effectiveness. And I can be quite charming sometimes. Just never when I really want to be, it's usually on accident. And I usually don't use it at the bar.