There, I said it. Again. I say it quite a bit, actually. And I mean it every time. Almost with as much passion as if I said "Fuck UGAy!" or "Furman sucks big, purple donkey balls" or something akin to that.
Where does this animosity come from?
The only school that I habitually pull for other than Georgia Southern, is the University of North Carolina.
And tonight the Heels play Dook in Chapel Hill. (ESPN, 9:00)
So, I'm gearing up for another Carolina victory to help us win the Carlyle Cup.
I thought I might leave you with a bit of wisdom taken from
"I looked up the word "Duke" in the dictionary, and it confirms:
Duke-adj-the state of sucking. That which sucks. A form of sucking which may or may not include swallowing. "
The site itself may be defunct, but the spirit remains.
Go Heels!
Hey! I told you to skip this one...
And for the record, I could be a jerkass if I really wanted to by doing a little something like this:
Who won the Super Bowl? I'm sorry, who? Oh, that's right: Pittsburgh.
Wait a sec...didn't I pick them? Um, yep. I believe I did. We can check the replay if you want. No? Didn't think so.
But I won't. See? I'm nice.
*trying to maintain restraint*
I'd prefer you talk a little trash. I think we both know what happened the last time you did. So, come on. Just a little? You know you want to.
Ha Ha Ha Alison wins!!!
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