Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"I don't think you understand the relationship a man has with his facial hair."

(Name the movie, anyone?)

Beard... itchy.
Can't... stand it... any... longer.
Must... shave.

Gonna go from this:

That'd be Grizzly Adams for all you that are TV-challenged.

To this:

That'd be my evil twin from a parallel universe.

Not quite this:

Had to get the Green Arrow goatee in there somewhere.

And finally, probably back to this:

My standard, lazy scruffiness.

I'd like to do Chris' "Facial Hair of the World Week", but it's been done before. And I don't think I'd get as good a reaction from it here as he did that week in the office.


That's a lot of beard:


adubya said...

Was there a point I missed somewhere amongst the whiskers?
Was it that you're too lazy to shave? :)

adubya said...

Yeah, where's the picture of the hot chick?
My luck it'll be a comic book chick...

D said...

My beard's also red which also gets commented on all the time.

I let my beard grow out because it's cold and I'm lazy. It's been about 3 weeks or more since I shaved last. And now it must die because it's driving me crazy.

obligatory-but-completely-irrelevant-to-the-storyline picture of a hot chick can be found here:

How do you hyper link that?

adubya said...

use <a href="url">link title</a>

like this:
here it is linked

D said...

Excellent. Thanks!

adubya said...

I could make some smart ass comment about taking the time to learn the ever complicated html markup language, but I'll leave that to Alison.

D said...

I'm just a caveman. Your HTML speak frightens and confuses me.

D said...

No, it's a Phil Hartman SNL quote. "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer." A good bit that I do miss. Not that I watch SNL anymore though.

And for the record, your sarcasm still frightens and confuses me, Obi-Wan.

adubya said...

Did you see the way she used the <i> to make the words movie quote appear in italics? That's some fancy HTML stuff there... :)
I miss Phil.

D said...

The quote's from Another Stakeout by the way...