Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A free $50 Applebee's gift certificate? Get the fuck outta here!

It seems that almost every day (or at least every other day) I get an email that's been forwarded to me. And to 10 thousand other people too. And they all want me to either fill out my portion of the email and send it on, or just simply send it on to "anyone else you know who could use this information."

And I fucking hate those emails. Goddamned chain letters.

I'd like to think that I have better things to do than to think about whether or not God checks and sees who believes in him because they forwarded on an email. Or how the government is going to start charging people to send email because they aren't making as much on stamps and shit (if that happens I'm screwed). Or even about how little Suzie won't survive her seventh open heart surgery of the week if she doesn't get 1,237 names and prayers.


So now I am instituting a new email policy:
All incoming, mass-forwarded emails will be subject to review by myself and Snopes. Then a response will be sent back to the violating party including a link to Snopes and/or the Snopes entry, along with a brief comment like "Please be sure to verify all mass-forwarded emails for validity before sending them to me as not to waste my time."

Or something like that.

If I can crush some jackass's dream for a free gift certificate to Applebee's or a free pair of Nikes, then I think I've done my civic duty as a member of the online community. And made myself a little happier in the process.

There's an awful lot of idiots out there on the Internet. I like to think it's part of my job to keep them in check.



adubya said...

I'm with you, man. I have a couple friends that blindly forward all the "Bill Gates will give you a bazzillion dollars if you forward this email to 10 more people" emails without taking the 10 seconds it takes to determine it is a load of crap. Every time, I reply (TO ALL so everyone knows what a knob he is) with a "hey dumbass".

D said...

Ah, a little public humiliation. I like it.

Paul said...

Are you saying that guy wasn't really standing on top of the World Trade Center right before the plane hit it? I always wondered why he was wearing a winter coat and hat on a hot day.

D said...

Yeah, that's a faked picture that was made and circulated right after 9-11.

adubya said...

sarcasm sensors going off...

not to mention how did the taker of the picture survive to publish it?

D said...

Damned sarcasm!
They claimed that the camera somehow survived the explosions and what not and someone had the film developed.